- Faraz's Blog

Finally , I found my best English partner. Faraz joined me in learning English. He has created a blog with name : Story of contests . It seems he doesn't like to use both subject and verb at the same time, in each sentence he drops one of them :D Anyway , we are working on decreasing our mistakes.

Now our university ( Urmia ) students solved problems statistics is available there. Link to post

- New Training Contest

I have started a new type of training. Every night I create a contest with about 10 problems for next day and I try to solve them till noon. After that I try to find solution for unsolved problems and those that I think need better solution.

This is my first contest that I solved 9 problems out of 10 : 10. Mixed Problems

I am going to do it for about 5 days of week. ( I hope actually :)